About courses

Виртуальная лаборатория
Виртуальная лаборатория

ВИРТУАЛЬНАЯ ЛАБОРАТОРИЯ - это уникальная коллекция современных электронных тренажеров и симуляторов по физике, химии, биологии, математике и географии, разработанных ведущими учеными и инженерами университета Колорадо Болдер (University of Colorado Boulder - США). Коллекция представлена в оригинальной версии на английском языке, а также в локализованных версиях на казахском и русском языках.


Maths – these courses represent a large collection of online resources and include programs in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other science subjects cycle for students in grades 5-11. These courses of premium class successfully used in more than 25 countries around the world.


ХИМИЯ: интересно, современно, доступно

Описание курса

Этот уникальный интерактивный комплекс по обучению химии, созданный международным коллективом авторов из числа ученых-методистов, ведущих специалистов-предметников, учителей, а также программистов и аниматоров, охватывает весь школьный курс химии в соответствии с требованиями Государственного общеобязательного стандарта образования (ГОСО) Республики Казахстан.


Physics – these courses represent a large collection of online resources and include programs in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other science subjects cycle for students in grades 5-11. These courses of premium class successfully used in more than 25 countries around the world.

Pre-school education
Pre-school education

Pre-school education – The seven titles: Step by Step, Logo Games, Talking Pictures, Word Games, Look and Say, Logo Rhythmics as well as School Readiness offer 4016 high quality resources of various types. In addition to the multimedia exercises, the eduSensus set includes lessons, interactive activities, lesson plans, flashcards, worksheets, colouring pages, movies, rhymes, games and songs. Using the innovative cutting edge methods teachers can create interesting and varied exercises for their pupils.

German language
German language

German language – «24/7 Languages» includes wide range of online courses for students of different ages and level of training. This solution includes products for both professional teaching and self-study language at home. The highest quality of our courses and specially designed platform for access to our products – is what makes our solution the best choice in the field of individual, group and blended learning and teaching.

French language
French language

French language – «24/7 Languages» includes wide range of online courses for students of different ages and level of training. This solution includes products for both professional teaching and self-study language at home. The highest quality of our courses and specially designed platform for access to our products – is what makes our solution the best choice in the field of individual, group and blended learning and teaching.

English language
English language

English language – a course that includes wide range of interactive media materials and test exercises throughout the course and is for students of all different ages and levels. This online course is for both professional teaching in a classroom and self-study for parents and students. Our course is specifically designed to engage learner and give an opportunity to study anywhere on any device. It is the best choice in the field of individual, group and blended learning and teaching.

Primary Math
Primary Math

Primary Math – unique interactive course of mathematics for elementary classes in secondary school. The course has been created in Finland, which is the new international standard of quality study materials. These materials entail teaching method that drives active interaction between teachers/parents and students.


Maths – these courses represent a large collection of online resources and include programs in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other science subjects cycle for students in grades 5-11. These courses of premium class successfully used in more than 25 countries around the world.