Vocabulary and language focus: Everyday objects

Жұмабаева Айман Исатайқызы
Жұмабаева Айман Исатайқызы
№6 Шұбарқұдық негізгі орта мектебі
Английский язык
8 класс
Our World

Vocabulary and language focus: Everyday objects

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Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to <p>8.S7&nbsp; use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a&nbsp; range of general&nbsp; topics, and some curricular topics.</p><p> 8.UE2&nbsp; use a growing variety of quantifiers for countable and uncountable nouns including several, plenty, a large/small number/amount on a range of familiar general and curricular topics. <br></p>
Lesson objectives <p><b>All learners will be able to:</b></p><p> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Pronounce and name everyday objects, numbers.</p><p> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Recognize and use expressions of quantity. </p><p><b>Most learners will be able to: </b></p><p>•&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Answer the questions about human consumers.&nbsp;</p><p> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Do exercises with expressions of quantity. </p><p><b>Some learners will be able to:&nbsp;</b></p><p><br></p><p> •&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Speak fluently about quantities of things people use.&nbsp; <br></p>
Value links Being environmentally conscious/friendly, actively providing solutions to global problems.
Cross curricular links Ecology.
Use of ICT Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional information, playing the audio files.
Intercultural awareness Accept the diversity of the things that people use, eat and drink among the students of the group as well as all over the world. <br>
Health and Safety Breaks and physical activities used. <br>

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Этапы урока Запланированная деятельность на уроке Ресурсы

Beginning the lesson

<p>The lesson greeting. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. </p><p><b>Warm up.&nbsp;</b></p><p> Start thinking p.8. </p><p>Answering questions. </p><p>1. What items do you use every day?</p><p> 2. How can people create less rubbish? (People can create less rubbish by recycling more and buying items with less packaging.) </p><p>3. Do you think it's important to protect the environment? Why? (Yes, so that future generations can enjoy the planet.) <br></p>

Main Activities

<p><b>Ex.1</b> p.8. Word and picture matching activity. </p><p><b>Answers:</b> </p><p>1) a can of fizzy drink 2) a bottle of shampoo 3) a roll of toilet paper </p><p>4) a box of washing powder 5) a packet of crisps 6) a bag of apples</p><p> 7) a bar of chocolate 8) a jar of coffee 9) a tube of toothpaste 10) a carton of juice&nbsp; </p><p><b>Ex.2 p.8. Brainstorming.</b> </p><p><b>Ex.3</b> p.8. Recognizing vocabulary. Completing questionnaire.&nbsp;</p><p> <b>Ex.4</b> p.8. Comparing answers.&nbsp; </p><p><b>Answers:</b> 1) 628; 1.700 2) 4.8; 9.8 3) 198; 656 4)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p><b>Ex.5 </b>p.8. Table completion.</p><p> Answers: 1) uncountable 2) countable d) countable 4) uncountable 5) uncountable 6) uncountable, countable, uncountable 7) countable, uncountable 8) countable, uncountable </p><p>Uncountable nouns: 2) much 3) a lot of 4) some</p><p> Countable nouns: 1) not many 5) not any </p><p><b>Ex.6</b> p.8. Ticking off items. </p><p><b>Answers:</b> 1) much 2) many 3) some 4) much 5) any 6) any </p><p><b>Ex.7</b> p.8. Asking and answering questions.&nbsp; </p><p><b>Answers:</b> </p><p>1) Do you eat much pasta each week? How much? </p><p>2) Do you walk many konometers every month? How many? </p><p>3) Are there many books in the school library? How many?&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p>4) Do you use a lot of toothpaste each year? How much? </p><p>5) Do you drink much milk every week? How much? </p><p>6) Do you say many words every day? How much?&nbsp; Extra task. Writing practice.&nbsp; <br></p> <p>Pupil's book</p><p>CD<br></p>

Ending the lesson

<p><b>Giving the hometask. </b></p><p>WB p.8.&nbsp; </p><p>Self-assessment. </p><p>How well do I understand? </p><p>4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else. </p><p>3- I understand and can do this by myself.</p><p> 2 - I need more practice. </p><p>1 - I don't understand this yet.&nbsp; <br></p>

Дополнительная информация

<p>Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p>Differentiation can be achieved through the selection of activities, identification of learning outcomes for a certain student, provision of individual support to learners, selection of learning materials and resources based on the individual abilities of learners.<br></p><p>&nbsp;Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p><b>Assessment criteria:</b> </p><p>1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences; </p><p>2. Apply the correct quantifiers including much, many, a lot of, some, any for countable and uncountable nouns in the context.&nbsp; </p><p><b>Descriptor: </b></p><p><b>A learner:</b></p><p><b> </b>•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; uses the topical vocabulary while talking about quantities of things people use;</p><p> •&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; completes the task with proper quantifiers.&nbsp; </p><p>•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Observation </p><p>•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Feedback on the work</p><p> •&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Self-assessment </p><p>Critical thinking&nbsp; </p><p>Students think critically, exploring, developing, evaluating and making choices about their own and others’ ideas<br></p>
