Fun Places

Дорогова Елена Александровна
Дорогова Елена Александровна
СШ № 6
Английский язык
3 класс
Having Fun

Fun Places

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Цели обучения (ссылка на учебную программу): <p>3.L.7.1- use contextual clues to predict content in short, supported talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; </p><p> 3.S.6.1- take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges; </p><p> 3.UE.9.1-use common present simple forms (positive, negative, question) and contractions to talk about what you want and like, habits and facts, simple future timetabled events.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Цели урока: <p>Learners will be able to: </p><p> • identify the content of fun places in short, supported talk; </p><p> • practice a short talk about fun places with some support; </p><p> • formulate a short supported talk about fun places in present simple forms.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Языковые цели: <p>Learners will be able to: </p><p> • identify the content of fun places in short, supported talk; </p><p> • practice a short talk about fun places with some support; </p><p> • formulate a short supported talk about fun places in present simple forms.&nbsp;</p>
Ожидаемый результат: Learners will interact with each other using topical vocabulary " Fun places"&nbsp;
Критерии успеха: <p>• predict a short supported talk using contextual clues; </p><p> • interact with others in short basic conversation; </p><p> • talk about fun places, likes and dislikes&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Привитие ценностей: The patricitic act ‘Mangilik Yel, ’Lifelong learning, respect, cooperation, transparency&nbsp;
Навыки использования ИКТ: elementary
Межпредметная связь: Self study
Предыдущие знания: “The world around us”- 2 grade

Ход урока

Этапы урока Запланированная деятельность на уроке Ресурсы

Начало урока

(Start 5-10 min)

<p><b>CLASS ROUTINE </b></p><p> • (W) Teacher greets students. Learners respond to greeting and take their places. </p><p> -Hello, learners! I am glad to see you! </p><p> -Hello, teacher! - How are you? </p><p> - We are fine/good/ perfect. </p><p><b> Interaction pattern:</b> T-Ss&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>&nbsp; <b>STARTER </b></p><p><b> • (W) “Crossword” ELICITING </b></p><p> Teacher explains the task. Teacher elicits words from the previous module 7 “Water, water everywhere”. The learners should guess a word according to the given picture and write it into the crossword. </p><p><b> Answer key:</b> 1.Foggy 2.Sunny 3.Rainy 4.Precipitation 5.Cloudy 6.Air 7.Condensation 8.Evaporation 9.Sea </p><p><b> A highlighted word:</b> Fun places </p><p><b> Interaction pattern:</b> T- Ss Descriptor </p><p>A learner - identifies the words correctly; </p><p> - predicts the topic of the lesson. </p><p><b> (f) Oral assessment:</b> (“great” ,“well done”, try once again”) </p><p><br></p><p><b> INTRODUCTION</b> </p><p> • After finishing the previous activity, teacher asks to predict the topic the lesson. Since the learners have already guessed the words from the previous module during the starter, learners will be able to name the topic “Fun Places” </p><p> • Teacher introduces the lesson objectives. </p><p><b> Interaction pattern:</b> T-Ss&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> PPP (slide1)

Середина урока

(Middle 10-35 min)

<p><b>DEVELOPMENT</b></p><p><u> • (W)"Mix and Match"</u> (teaching new vocabulary). </p><p> Teacher divides learners into four groups with the help of random grouping (colourful sticks of blue, green, orange, pink). Teacher sticks flashcards on one side of the board and writes a list of words on the another side of the board in any order. Learners should go to the board and join flashcards with the words. Teacher checks the answers with the whole class.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><b>Interaction pattern: </b> T-Ss Descriptors </p><p> A learner - pronounces the topical vocabulary accurately. </p><p> - matches words to the appropriate picture; </p><p> - predicts the meaning of the words </p><p><b> f) Assessment:</b> a self - assessment technique “Fist – To - Five” Teacher asks learners to show fingers how confident they are about the vocabulary on the topic “Fun Places”. Learners choose one of three hand gesture and show it to teacher: • full hand up with all fingers and thumb = very confident; • three fingers = insecure about the topical vocabulary; • fist = no progress towards the topical vocabulary.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><b>• (W,D)Pre-listening activity</b></p><p><b> (D)</b> Teacher demonstrates pictures and asks learners to guess the places. Also the learners should say what persons like doing at that place. </p><p> Teacher: Where are they? </p><p> Learners: At the cinema/ market/park/sports centre/ skating rink. </p><p> Teacher: What do they like doing? </p><p> Learners: They like watching TV/going shopping/walking/going to the gym/skating. </p><p> to watch films to go shopping to skate </p><p><br></p><p><b> Interaction pattern: </b>T- Ss Descriptors </p><p><i> A learner</i> - defines the meaning of pictures; </p><p> - makes sentences in Present Simple. </p><p><b> Differentiation</b> by visuals (less able learners- say a sentence using pictures, more able learners- say a sentence without pictures) </p><p><b> (f) Oral assessment:</b> (“great” ,“well done”, try once again”)&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><b>• (W) "What 's in the picture?"</b> </p><p> Teacher puts flashcards in a pile on the table. Then teacher asks a learner to choose a flashcard without showing it to the class. The class asks the learner "Do you like going to the _____" The learner answers "Yes, I do/ No, I don't". When a learner guesses the correct word, they change places with the learner at the front of the class and the activity continues.</p><p><b> Interaction pattern:</b> S-Ss </p><p><b> Descriptors</b> <i>A learner</i> - asks a question and gives a short answer; - defines the meaning of pictures; </p><p><b> Differentiation</b> by group ability (less able learners- say a word, more able learner- say a sentence).&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p><b>(f) Oral assessment: </b>(“great” ,“well done”, try once again”).&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><b>• (W, I) While-listening activity</b> </p><p><b> (W)</b> Teacher gives papers to the learners. Teacher reads the sentences to the whole class aloud.</p><p><b> (I)</b> Learners listen to the teacher twice, put ticks in the table and identify who likes going to what place.</p><p> Cinema</p><p> Park </p><p>Sport Centre </p><p>Skating rink </p><p>Market </p><p>Out </p><p> Dana </p><p> Assem </p><p> Ulan </p><p> Zhanna</p><p> Mansyr </p><p> Kairat </p><p><b> Transcript:</b> 1. Dana likes going to the cinema. 2. Kairat likes going to the park. 3. Ulan likes going to the sport centre. 4. Assem likes going to the market. 5. Mansyr likes going to the skating rink. 6. Zhanna likes going out. </p><p><br></p><p><b> (P) </b>Learners exchange their papers for peer – assessment and correct the peer’s answers with the help of the correct variant on the slide.</p><p><b> Interaction pattern:</b> T-Ss, I, Ss-Ss </p><p><b> Descriptors</b> <i>A learner</i> - identifies the place correctly; - compares peer’s answers with the correct variant. </p><p><b> Differentiation</b> by time allowed (teacher gives less – able learners more time to complete the exercise)</p><p><b> (f)Assessment:</b> peer assessment, a self- assessment technique “Dartboard evaluation” Learners take stickers and put them on the dartboard as they get points.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp;<b>(W) Physical break</b> (a stirring activity) Learners sing the Places song and repeat after the singer on the video.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>• <b>(P) Post –listening activity</b> </p><p> Learners choose a card with a place and make up a short dialogue if they like or don't like going that place, say what place they like going. Learners should act their dialogues out. </p><p> - Do you like going to the ______. </p><p> - Yes. I do/ No, I don't. </p><p> - Where do you like going_______? </p><p> - I like going to the _________. </p><p><b> Interaction pattern:</b> S-S </p><p><b> Descriptors</b> <i>A learner</i> - pronounces in an appropriate way; - asks 2 questions and give 2 answers in Present Simple; - talks about fun places. </p><p><b> Differentiation</b> by sentence structures (less able learners- speak with sentence structures, more able learners- speak without sentence structures). </p><p><b> (f) Assessment: </b>oral assessments (“great”, “well done”, try once again”), </p><p> a self - assessment technique “Traffic Lights”. </p><p> Teacher gives learners three circles: red, yellow, green. Learners hold up circles according to their achievements.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>• <b>(G) Follow-up activity</b> </p><p> Teacher gives different tasks to each group. Teacher checks the answers with the whole class. </p><p><b> 1 group: </b> Learners match pictures with the words.&nbsp;</p><p><b>2 group: </b></p><p> Learners choose the correct word. </p><p> a. I like playing _________ outdoors. tennis/the guitar/ football. </p><p> b. I like having______. lunch/fun/ a headache </p><p> c. I like going _______ with my friends. in/out/at </p><p> d. My brother likes watching_______. pictures/ photos/ TV </p><p><b> Answer key:</b></p><p> a. I like playing football.</p><p> b. I like having fun. </p><p> c. I like going out with my friends. </p><p> d. My brother likes watching TV.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p><b>3 group:</b> </p><p> Learners put words in the correct order: </p><p> a. making likes cakes. My dad </p><p> b. all day. like Cats sleeping </p><p> c. likes My sister with dolls. playing </p><p> d. online. like I videos watching </p><p><b> Answer key:</b> </p><p> a. My dad likes making cakes. </p><p> b. Cats like sleeping all day. </p><p> c. My sister likes playing with dolls. </p><p> d. I like watching videos online.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p><b>4 group:</b></p><p> Learners make a dialogue with your friend and act it out. </p><p> -Where do you like going in your free time? </p><p> - I like going_________ in my free time. What about you? </p><p> -Me, too!/ I don't. I like going_________ in my free time.</p><p><b> Interaction pattern:</b> Ss Ss </p><p><span style="font-weight: bolder;">Descriptors</span><span style="font-weight: bolder;">&nbsp; </span>A learner - identifies 4 words to the pictures; - applies 4 words with phrases; - puts 4 sentences in the correct order in Present simple; - formulates a short talk about fun places using 4 topical words. </p><p><b> Differentiation</b> by group ability (less able learners – match the words with the picture, choose the correct word; more able learners – give a short talk, put words in the sentences in the correct order). </p><p><b> (f) Assessment: </b>peer assessment Learners in pairs assess each other with the help of assessment card.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><br></p> <p>Flashcards com&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>“Book Two:60 Formative&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><b></b></p>

Конец урока

(2 min)

<p><b>CLASS ROUTINE </b></p><p> - Teacher explains the home task Learners are to draw a poster “My favourite fun place” and say about it (2-3 sentences) Learners and teacher say good bye to each other.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>


(3 min)

<p><b>PLENARY</b></p><p> (I) “Checklist”</p><p> Learners fill in the table: I can… </p><p> • identify 5 fun places; </p><p> • ask 2 questions and give 2 answers in Present Simple; </p><p> • formulate a short talk about fun places, likes and dislikes&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> sel-assessment cards&nbsp;


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