Visualization. Introduction.

Жұмабаева Айман Исатайқызы
Жұмабаева Айман Исатайқызы
№6 Шұбарқұдық негізгі орта мектебі
Ағылшын тілі
Reading for Pleasure

Visualization. Introduction.

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Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to <p>7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings.&nbsp; </p><p>7.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics, and some curricular topics. &nbsp;</p>
Lesson objectives <p>All learners will be able to:&nbsp;</p><p> • understand with limited support the main points of extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics;&nbsp;</p><p> • understand most specific information and detail of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics;&nbsp;</p><p> • give an opinion at sentence level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics.&nbsp;</p><p> Most learners will be able to:&nbsp;</p><p> • understand more complex supported questions on a growing range of general and curricular topics;&nbsp; </p><p>• keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics ;&nbsp;</p><p> • organise and present information clearly to others;&nbsp; </p><p>• respect differing points of view.&nbsp; </p><p>Some learners will be able to: &nbsp; </p><p>• use talk as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world;&nbsp; </p><p>• communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse level during pair, group and whole class exchanges. &nbsp;</p>
Language objective Use subject specific vocabulary, use appropriate Present and Past Tenses
Value links Responsibility , Global Citizenship.&nbsp;
Cross curricular links Physics, Art &nbsp; &nbsp;
Previous learning In the previous unit, learners developed writing skills as they wrote a letter from the perspective of the character
Use of ICT Projector or Smart board for showing a presentation , laptops/mp 3 players and earphones for listening to the recording
Intercultural awareness Accept diversity of the world around us by means of visualization
Kazakh culture Discussion of places in Kazakhstan&nbsp;
Pastoral Care <p>Student centered teaching: respect, support and scaffolding; &nbsp; </p><p>To create a friendly atmosphere for collaborative work.&nbsp; </p><p>Promote a sense of self-esteem and self-respect and respect for others among all the learners. &nbsp;</p>
Health and Safety Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords

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Сабақ кезеңдері Жоспарланған іс-әрекет Ресурстар

beginning of the lesson

Greeting&nbsp; A teacher says to the learners:&nbsp; - Good morning/afternoon, class. How are you? &nbsp; The learners greet the teacher too.&nbsp; The teacher says that today’s lesson will be about something special in reading, but before they can discuss it, the learners should listen to the song. &nbsp;&nbsp; Lead-in&nbsp; Before singing show some words(your learners should copy them into their vocabulary copybooks):&nbsp; Yell – кричать;&nbsp; Tongue – язык;&nbsp; Smooth - Гладкий;&nbsp; Silk – шелк;&nbsp; Sand – песок.&nbsp; Learners listen to and sing “5 Senses Song” (you can ask your learners to do some activities while listening as well). For example, then they hear:&nbsp; - I see it – they point to their eyes;&nbsp; - I hear it – they point to their ears;&nbsp; - I smell it – they point to their noses;&nbsp; - I taste it – they point to their mouths;&nbsp; - I touch it – they touch their desks;&nbsp; - Close them, open them –learners blink;&nbsp; - Yum – learners palm their bellies. &nbsp; <br>

main part

Then the teacher asks:&nbsp; -How are five senses connected with reading? What connects these things?&nbsp; Learners may answer that they can touch pages/books, see pictures/words, smell paper scent, etc.&nbsp; The right answer is visualization. Teacher reveals the objectives of the lesson.&nbsp; Today you will learn:&nbsp; - What is visualization;&nbsp; - How to visualize;&nbsp; - Visualize different things. &nbsp;&nbsp; The teacher shows them a video about visualization (you need a piece of video of 00:43-2:00)&nbsp; Pre-teach the following word: to comprehend – to understand.&nbsp; Feedback. The teacher asks what visualization is. Learners answer. &nbsp; &nbsp; Speaking.&nbsp; Learners are given cards with tasks&nbsp; and pictures/pieces of music/objects which they need to visualize to their partner.&nbsp; Differentiation – according to the dominant style of learning (pictures go to visuals, audio to auditory learners, objects to kinesthetic learners). &nbsp; Learners study the criteria:&nbsp; • Answer all questions from the card – 2 points;&nbsp; • Use your notes – 1 point;&nbsp; • Pronunciation – 2 points.&nbsp; To get achieved – 4 points. &nbsp;&nbsp; Learners have five minutes for the preparation (they should take notes into their copybooks), then they should speak to their partners in turns for 1-2 minutes. &nbsp;&nbsp; Task for the picture (visual learners): &nbsp;&nbsp; Take a photograph, and take your time (5 minutes) to analyze it. Memorize every detail you can. Then simply close your eyes and try to make it in your mind. Bring in as much as you can: the colors, the birds in the sky, the freckles on the skin — whatever is there. Open your eyes to get more detail if you have to. You can take notes in your copybook. You should talk about what you see, hear, feel by touching, smell, taste (if possible). Now tell it to your partner. &nbsp;&nbsp; Task for the music (auditory learners): &nbsp;&nbsp; Listen and take your time (5 minutes) to analyze it. Memorize every detail you can. You can close your eyes and imagine what is happening. Bring in as much as you can: the colours, the birds in the sky, the freckles on the skin — whatever is there. You should talk about what you see, hear, feel by touching, smell, taste (if possible). Now tell it to your partner. &nbsp;&nbsp; Task for 3d objects (kinesthetic learners):&nbsp; Take up a small object: perhaps your pen or your keys. Analyze all the details and memorize it. Take your time.(5 minutes)Now, close your eyes, and see the object in your mind. The challenge here is to start rotating it. See every detail, but from all angles. If you feel comfortable, begin to bring in some surroundings. Place it on an imaginary table. Shine a few lights on it and imagine the shadows flickering. What happens to the object? What do you see? How does it feel to touch it? What sounds does it make? How does it smell? Does it have any taste? Now tell it to your partner.&nbsp; Partners can ask questions to get more details. &nbsp; <br>


Greeting&nbsp; A teacher says to the learners:&nbsp; - Good morning/afternoon, class. How are you? &nbsp; The learners greet the teacher too.&nbsp; The teacher says that today’s lesson will be about something special in reading, but before they can discuss it, the learners should listen to the song. &nbsp;&nbsp; Lead-in&nbsp; Before singing show some words(your learners should copy them into their vocabulary copybooks):&nbsp; Yell – кричать;&nbsp; Tongue – язык;&nbsp; Smooth - Гладкий;&nbsp; Silk – шелк;&nbsp; Sand – песок.&nbsp; Learners listen to and sing “5 Senses Song” (you can ask your learners to do some activities while listening as well). For example, then they hear:&nbsp; - I see it – they point to their eyes;&nbsp; - I hear it – they point to their ears;&nbsp; - I smell it – they point to their noses;&nbsp; - I taste it – they point to their mouths;&nbsp; - I touch it – they touch their desks;&nbsp; - Close them, open them –learners blink;&nbsp; - Yum – learners palm their bellies. &nbsp;&nbsp; Then the teacher asks:&nbsp; -How are five senses connected with reading? What connects these things?&nbsp; Learners may answer that they can touch pages/books, see pictures/words, smell paper scent, etc.&nbsp; The right answer is visualization. Teacher reveals the objectives of the lesson.&nbsp; Today you will learn:&nbsp; - What is visualization;&nbsp; - How to visualize;&nbsp; - Visualize different things. &nbsp;&nbsp; The teacher shows them a video about visualization (you need a piece of video of 00:43-2:00)&nbsp; Pre-teach the following word: to comprehend – to understand.&nbsp; Feedback. The teacher asks what visualization is. Learners answer. &nbsp; &nbsp; Speaking.&nbsp; Learners are given cards with tasks&nbsp; and pictures/pieces of music/objects which they need to visualize to their partner.&nbsp; Differentiation – according to the dominant style of learning (pictures go to visuals, audio to auditory learners, objects to kinesthetic learners). &nbsp; Learners study the criteria:&nbsp; • Answer all questions from the card – 2 points;&nbsp; • Use your notes – 1 point;&nbsp; • Pronunciation – 2 points.&nbsp; To get achieved – 4 points. &nbsp;&nbsp; Learners have five minutes for the preparation (they should take notes into their copybooks), then they should speak to their partners in turns for 1-2 minutes. &nbsp;&nbsp; Task for the picture (visual learners): &nbsp;&nbsp; Take a photograph, and take your time (5 minutes) to analyze it. Memorize every detail you can. Then simply close your eyes and try to make it in your mind. Bring in as much as you can: the colors, the birds in the sky, the freckles on the skin — whatever is there. Open your eyes to get more detail if you have to. You can take notes in your copybook. You should talk about what you see, hear, feel by touching, smell, taste (if possible). Now tell it to your partner. &nbsp;&nbsp; Task for the music (auditory learners): &nbsp;&nbsp; Listen and take your time (5 minutes) to analyze it. Memorize every detail you can. You can close your eyes and imagine what is happening. Bring in as much as you can: the colours, the birds in the sky, the freckles on the skin — whatever is there. You should talk about what you see, hear, feel by touching, smell, taste (if possible). Now tell it to your partner. &nbsp;&nbsp; Task for 3d objects (kinesthetic learners):&nbsp; Take up a small object: perhaps your pen or your keys. Analyze all the details and memorize it. Take your time.(5 minutes)Now, close your eyes, and see the object in your mind. The challenge here is to start rotating it. See every detail, but from all angles. If you feel comfortable, begin to bring in some surroundings. Place it on an imaginary table. Shine a few lights on it and imagine the shadows flickering. What happens to the object? What do you see? How does it feel to touch it? What sounds does it make? How does it smell? Does it have any taste? Now tell it to your partner.&nbsp; Partners can ask questions to get more details. &nbsp;&nbsp; Reading.&nbsp; Here comes time for reading visualization. The learners read a short text and draw a picture for it&nbsp; Pre-teach the following words:&nbsp; Furry;&nbsp; Vest;&nbsp; Bow. &nbsp;&nbsp; Reflection&nbsp; Ask learners:&nbsp; - What did you learn today?&nbsp; - What did you visualize?&nbsp; - What did you like more? &nbsp;&nbsp; • Homework: Learners should finish reading their books and bring them for the next lesson &nbsp; <br>
