Describing the symptoms of stress and giving advice on how to reduce stress

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Capabilities of human brain

Describing the symptoms of stress and giving advice on how to reduce stress

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Оқу мақсаттары (оқу бағдарламасына сілтемеу): 10.C6 organize and present information clearly to others 10.L2 understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics 10.L5recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics 10.R1 understand main points in extended texts on a range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics 10. W5 develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a wide range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics 10.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings  
Сабақтың мақсаты: All learners will be able to:  Understanding specific information and recognize speaker’s opinion while listening with 60%  Find out main idea while reading with 60%;  Recall 6 expressions with “take”;  Write an advice column for a magazine following assessment-criteria Most learners will be able to:  Understanding specific information and recognize speaker’s opinion while listening with 80%  Find out main idea while reading with 80%;  Recall 8-9 expressions with “take”;  Write an advice column for a magazine following assessment-criteria, proving the examples Some learners will be able to:  Understanding specific information and recognize speaker’s opinion while listening with 90%  Find out main idea while reading with 100%;  Recall all the expressions with “take”; Write an advice column for a magazine developing coherent arguments  
Бағалау критерийлері: Listening: • Task 1/ L2: 3 out of 4 symptoms are defined correctly • Task 2/ L5: 5 out of 7 opinions identified correctly Writing: 1. Write about 150-180 words 2. Follow Clear paragraphing 3. Use appropriately linking words 4. Use at least 3 expressions with “take” Support all provided arguments/ methods with examples and reasons  
Пәнаралық байланыс: Cross-curricular links with Psychology, Biology

Сабақ барысы

Сабақ кезеңдері Жоспарланған іс-әрекет Ресурстар

Сабақтың басы

• (W)Introduction of Learning and Lesson Objectives • (W) Class Organization: Let’s check your hometask for answering the questions which an English teacher send on What is Multiple intelligence? What is being creative? What kind of human brain capabilities do you know? What do you know about Multiple intelligence?  

Сабақтың ортасы

(G/W) Warm up: Sts are sitting in 3 groups. Each group is given a set of cards; they have to find what all these words have in common, and all together guess the topic of the lesson Set 1: symptoms of stress Set 2: causes of stress Set 3: therapy of stress (P/G/W) Pre-listening: Think-pair-share Ask learners a question: How do you feel while passing exams? (FA/I) Listening: Sts listen to the recording two times and complete 2 tasks: Name Date:___ Assessment-criteria 1. Task 1: 3 out of 4 symptoms are defined correctly 2. Task 2: 5 out of 7 opinions identified correctly L2/ Task 1: Listen to Jack talking about his stressful experiences. Tick the symptoms which are mentioned.  Tiredness  Depression  Aching in his body  Panic attacks  Insomnia  Skin problems  Colds and flu  Headaches  Stomach problems  Anxiety L5/ Task 2: Listen and define the speakers’ opinions. Put J if it’s Jack’s opinion, and P if it’s presenter’s one. 1. ____ misunderstood symptoms of stress with poor eating 2. ____anxiety and stress are usual difficulties that students face during exams 3. ____an extreme anxiety was the reason of staying at home 4. ____stress is a common feeling of every person 5. ____if you have a small amount of worry you are better focused on your work, however, too much anxiety destructs you 6. ____ knows how to deal with the stress 7. ____ stress is a body response to changes that happen around us Answers: Task 1: tiredness, colds and flu, headache, anxiety. Task 2: 1J, 2P, 3J, 4P, 5P, 6J, 7P. (W)Pre-reading: Answer the question: - In what case stress can be beneficial for our health, and when it can damage? (/I/G) Jigsaw Reading: Get stressed, Stay young Main idea of the 1st paragraph A) Being in traffic jam is bad for our health B) Some people think that not all kinds of stress are bad for us C) Doctors don’t agree how we can reduce our levels of stress Main idea of the 2nd paragraph A) Young people suffer more from stress than older people. B) Alzheimer's is one of the illnesses many old people suffer from C) Good stress stops us from getting ill Main idea of the 3rd paragraph A) Situations which produce good stress are always short term B) Some stress can make our cells stronger C) Too much protein can make us ill Main idea of the 4th paragraph A) We need some stress to exercise our cells’ self-repair mechanism B) Doing physical exercise makes us feel less stressed C) Packing your suitcase in a hurry is an example of good stress BREAK (G) Vocabulary: Let’s revise all expressions with “take”! Ist group To take something for granted is to assume that it will happen. In a democratic system, we take many things for granted. Take it as it comes To take things as they come is to deal with them in order. Take it lying down To take it lying down is to suffer insult without protesting. • She is an independent woman. Don’t expect her to take it lying down. IInd group Take it on the chin To take it on the chin is to boldly accept a difficult or bad situation without complaining. • Although her latest book was panned by critics, she took it on the chin and started working on the next. Take it out on someone To take it out on someone is to give vent to your frustration by being unpleasant to someone. • If he has a bad day at work, he will take it out on his wife. IIIrd group Take one’s breath away If something takes your breath away, it is extremely beautiful. • Her beauty took his breath away. Take someone to the cleaners To take someone to the cleaners is to deprive them of their money or valuables. • They took me to the cleaners. • Take someone for a ride To take someone for a ride is to deceive them. • I lent him $100 without realizing that he was taking me for a ride.      

Сабақтың соңы

(FA/I) Writing: Bizarre and interesting ways of relieving stress. An advice column is a column traditionally presented in a magazine or newspaper, but can also be delivered through other news media such as the internet and broadcast new media. The advice column format is question and answer: a (usually anonymous) reader writes to the media outlet with a problem in the form of a question, and the media outlet provides an answer or response. Write an advice column answering the question: What are some bizarre and interesting ways of relieving stress? Task: Describe or act out2-3 methods of relieving stress, try to convince your readers that your advice really works! Assessment criteria 1. Write about 150-180 words 2. Follow Clear paragraphing 3. Use appropriately linking words 4. Use at least 3 expressions with “take” 5. Use clearly intonation and show feeling emotion correctly. Support all provided arguments/ methods with some statements.  


Файлды ару Describing the symptoms of stress and giving advice on how to reduce stress
