Myth busters

Сейсекенова Айгуль Досмуратовна
Сейсекенова Айгуль Досмуратовна
Шубаркудукская СШ №3
Ағылшын тілі
Science and scientific phenomena

Myth busters

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Оқу мақсаттары (оқу бағдарламасына сілтемеу): <p>10.1.2 - use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers; </p><p> 10.1.4 - evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others; </p><p> 10.1.8 - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion</p>
Сабақтың мақсаты: <p>All learners will be able to: listen and read for gist, for specific information</p><p> Most learners will be able to: listen and read for gist, read for specific information, compare buildings</p><p> Some learners will be able to: listen and read fir gist, read for specific information, compare buildings, write about an eco-friendly building&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Тілдік мақсаттар: - use a growing variety of past modal forms including must have, can’t have, might have to express speculation and deduction about the past&nbsp;&nbsp;
Күтілетін нәтиже: &nbsp; listen and read fir gist, read for specific information, compare buildings, write about an eco-friendly building
Бағалау критерийлері: Learners have met the learning objective if they can: compare buildings and write about buildings
Құндылықтарды дарыту: Solutions to global issues, natural disasters and global citizenships
АКТ-ны қолдану дағдылары: Using videos&amp; pictures, working with URLs
Пәнаралық байланыс: 1 Science and scientific phenomena
Бастапқы білім: &nbsp;Science and scientific phenomena. Myth busters

Сабақ барысы

Сабақ кезеңдері Жоспарланған іс-әрекет Ресурстар

Сабақтың басы

(5 min)

<p>To consolidate new vocabulary through antonyms •</p><p> Read out the words in the list and ask Ss to look up their meanings in their dictionaries if necessary. </p><p>Then give Ss time to complete the task. • </p><p>Check Ss' answe Answer Key definitely * possibly dishonest * honest awful * excellent miss *■ hit unknown * famou passed * failed luckily * unfortunately eventually * immediately occasionally * constantly&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

Сабақтың ортасы

(20 min)

Aim To consolidate new vocabulary • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the task in pairs. • Check answers around the class. Answer Key 1 struggles 3 come 5 breathe 2 observing 4 vote To practise forming negative verbs • Read the table aloud to Ss and explain any points they are unsure of providing extra examples if necessary. • Give Ss time to complete the task. • Check Ss' answers. Answer Key 1 misheard 3 unlocked 5 misbehaved 2 disappeared 4 recharge To consolidate information in a text; to develop critical thinking skills Explain the task, give Ss time to consider their answers and then ask various Ss to tell the class. Suggested Answer Key I think the most convincing myth is the one about an apple falling on Newton's head because it is believable. It could have happened and it may have been Newton himself who started the myth. To narrate a story • Explain the task and give Ss time to form their narrative. • Then ask various Ss around the clas narrate the story to the rest of the clas: Suggested Answer Key One day, Newton was sitting under an apple tree it garden. He was thinking about the forces of no when an apple fell from the tree and hit him on head. This made him think about why the apple down and he came up with the theory of gravity.&nbsp; VIDEO +QUESTIONS Ex. 3, p.13 (SB)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

Сабақтың соңы

(10 min)

<p>7 Writing </p><p>To write about a myth • Explain the task and give Ss time to research the Internet for a similar myth and then write short paragraph about it. • Ask various Ss to read their paragraph to tl class. Suggested Answer Key There are a number of myths surrounding Galilei but the most famous one is about how he prove the theory that gravitational acceleration is equi for heavy and light objects. According to the myth he went to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisi with two cannonballs of different weights. He thei dropped them to prove that heavy objects do not fal faster than light ones to his students below However, this is not quite true. He was in Pisa, but he performed a number of different experiments. He rolled balls down long wooden ramps and made pendulums of different weights. He dropped objects, but he didn't drop them off the Leaning Tower.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br></p>


(5 min)

<p>Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? </p><p> Did I stick to timings? </p><p> What changes did I make from my plan and why?&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson</p>
