Animal types

Жұмабаева Айман Исатайқызы
Жұмабаева Айман Исатайқызы
№6 Шұбарқұдық негізгі орта мектебі
Ағылшын тілі

Animal types

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Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to To talk about animal types; to talk about elephants, snakes and penguins.
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: All learners will be able to:  3.S1 make basic statements related to personal information, people and objects on  familiar topics and classroom routines  3.L5 identify missing phonemes in incomplete words  3.UE14 use basic prepositions of location and position: at, behind, between, in, in  front of, near, next to, on, to to describe where people and things are use  prepositions of time: on, in, at to talk about days and times (the usage of  prepositions is given in Module 4 “Our Town” )  3.UE9 use common present simple forms [positive, negative, question] and  contractions to talk about what you want and like and habits and facts  3.UE5 use interrogative pronouns including which, what, where, whose to ask who  people are and what they are doing (pronouns which, where, whose are practiced in  Module 6)
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objectives if they can talk about animal types: about  elephants, snakes and penguins.
Language focus <p>Structures: Interrogative pronouns (what, which); Present Simple&nbsp; </p><p>Language in use: I live on land. I eat eggs and small animals. </p><p>I look for food at&nbsp; night.&nbsp; What am I? I’m a snake. Do snakes live in Antarctica? Yes, they do./No, they don’t.</p>
Target vocabulary mammal: elephant reptile: snake bird: penguin
Cross - curricular links Science (Exs 1 and 4)
ICT skills Using videos&amp; pictures, working with URLs (Internet)
Previous learning ‘Animal’ vocabulary

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<p>(An activity to introduce yourself and greet the pupils.)&nbsp; Wait by the door and greet the pupils as they arrive.&nbsp; When everyone is seated, write your name on the board and&nbsp; introduce yourself to the class. </p><p>Point to your name on the board&nbsp; and to yourself and say: Hello, I’m (Mrs Sharipova).&nbsp; </p><p>Say: Hello again. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or&nbsp; individually. Stand in front of a pupil, introduce yourself and&nbsp; elicit his/her name.&nbsp; </p><p>Repeat with some more pupils.&nbsp; e.g. Teacher: Hello, I’m Mrs Sharipova.&nbsp; Pupil 1: Hello, I’m Assel. etc&nbsp; Have the pupils go around the classroom, shake hands and&nbsp; introduce themselves.</p><p>e.g. Pupil 1: Hello, I’m (Berik).&nbsp; Pupil 2: Hello, I’m (Ulan). etc</p> Interactive&nbsp; Whiteboard&nbsp; Software


<p>Look at the pictures. Which animal is a mammal? a reptile?&nbsp; a bird?</p><p>Write mammal, reptile, bird on board. Explain their meaning&nbsp; (mammals feed their babies milk from their own bodies,&nbsp; reptiles lay eggs and use the heat from the sun to keep their&nbsp; blood warm, birds have feathers and wings and in most cases&nbsp; can ly). Ask the pupils, in L1 if necessary, to name some&nbsp; mammals, e.g. dog, elephant. Write them on the board under&nbsp; the correct heading. Repeat the activity for reptiles and birds.&nbsp; Refer the pupils to the picture on the previous page and elicit&nbsp; the animals. Point to the penguin and ask: What type of animal&nbsp; is the penguin? Elicit: A bird. Then point to the elephant and&nbsp; ask: What type of animal is the elephant? Elicit: A mammal.&nbsp; Repeat the activity for the snake.</p><p>Answer key&nbsp;</p><p> mammal: elephant&nbsp; </p><p>reptile: snake&nbsp; </p><p>bird: penguin</p><p>Read and name the animal.&nbsp; </p><p>Read the instructions and explain the activity. Allow the pupils&nbsp; some time to read the sentences and write the names of the&nbsp; animals. Check their answers.&nbsp; Answer key&nbsp; </p><p>1 snake 2 elephant 3 penguin</p><p>True or False? In pairs, decide. Check your answers online&nbsp; or with your teacher.</p><p>Read the instructions and explain the activity. Go through the&nbsp; sentences and elicit any unknown words.&nbsp; Allow the pupils some time to read the sentences about snakes&nbsp; and choose True or False. Once the pupils have finished,&nbsp; provide them with the correct answers or have them go online&nbsp; to find the answers.</p><p>Answer key&nbsp; </p><p>1 B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 B&nbsp; </p><p>Chose a pupil and ask: Do snakes live in Antarctica?&nbsp; Elicit: No, they don’t. Then, in pairs, the pupils ask and answer&nbsp; questions as in the example.&nbsp;</p><p> Answer key&nbsp; </p><p>2 A: Do snakes smell with their tongue?&nbsp; </p><p>B: Yes, they do.&nbsp;</p><p> 3 A: Do snakes sleep with their eyes open?&nbsp;</p><p> B: Yes, they do.&nbsp; </p><p>4 A: Do snakes eat only three times a year?&nbsp; </p><p>B: No, they don’t.&nbsp; </p><p>5 A: Do snakes stop growing when they are one&nbsp; year old?&nbsp; </p><p>B: No, they don’t.</p><p>Find some facts about one of the other two animals. Present&nbsp; them to the class.</p><p>Ask the pupils to use the Internet or other sources and&nbsp; find some facts about the elephant or the penguin. They&nbsp; can include a picture or a drawing. Tell them to use the&nbsp; sentences in Ex. 3 as a model. Allow them time to finish&nbsp; their assignment. Alternatively, assign it for homework.&nbsp; Have them present their assignments to the class during&nbsp; this lesson or the next. Display their work in the classroom.&nbsp; Note: Once you have corrected their assignments,&nbsp; guide your pupils on how to file them in their Language&nbsp; Portfolios.</p><p><br></p> <br>


<p>(An activity to consolidate the language of the lesson.)&nbsp; Divide the class into two teams, A and B. Invite a&nbsp; pupil from each team to the board. Whisper an&nbsp; animal from the lesson to the pupils. The pupils then&nbsp; have to draw clues on the board related to the&nbsp; animal. They are not allowed to speak, write words or&nbsp; use gestures. Each team has two minutes to guess the&nbsp; correct animal. The first team to do so, wins a point for&nbsp; his/her team. Continue with other pupils from each&nbsp; team. The team with the most points wins the game.</p><p>ACTIVITY BOOK (Optional)&nbsp; If you wish, you can assign some or all of the&nbsp; corresponding activities from the Activity Book for&nbsp; homework. If this is the case, make sure you explain them first&nbsp; in class.</p> <br>
