Travelling in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Final exam
Learning objectives: |
L8 understand supported narratives on a wide range of general and curricular topics. R3 understand the detail of an argument on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts. UE5 use questions that include a variety of different tense on a range of familiar general and curricular topics. |
Lesson objectives: |
All learners will be able to: ask and answer questions using topical vocabulary according to the theme. Most learners will be able to: apply the information generated from texts in doing the tasks. Some learners will be able to: use the information obtained during testing. |
Value links: |
Respect to different opinions, cooperation. |
Cross curricular links: |
Geography. |
ICT skills: |
Projector or Smart board. |
Planned timings |
Planned activities |
Resources |
5 min |
Lead-in: [W] Teacher greets learners and sets environmentally – friendly atmosphere within the classroom. The teacher using the educational resource «» is trying to lead students to the topic of the lesson. After completing the task, the children call the topic. Then the students determine the aim of the lesson. | |
Middle 5 min
5 min
7 min
5 min
10 min
5 min
7 min
3 min
40 min |
Listening (Pre-Listening) Activity 1. «Guess the title of the text»[P], [W], [T-W] This task is an audition, as students will search for answers to questions. The guys are offered cards with keywords, based on which, students should guess the name of the text. Then the teacher introduces the new vocabulary necessary to understand the text.
(While-listening) Activity 2. «True or False?» [I], [W] Teacher gives cards with statements. Children listen to the text twice, and then do the task correctly or incorrectly. If the statement is incorrect, then students should give the correct answer. Verification is carried out in class, verbally, one after another. At the end of the assignment, the teacher summarizes the result of the activity.
(Post-listening) Activity 3. «Missing words» [P], [PA] The teacher gives the children tasks for understanding the content of the text. While listening, the children do the tasks and insert the missing words. After the end of the task, students change cards and evaluate each other. Students assess each other using «Two Stars and One Wish» Two Stars – areas where the learner’s work excelled. One Wish – an area where there can be some level of improvement.
Activity 4. «I am ready» [I] The teacher offers students to take an online test of the text they have listened to and test their knowledge as an example of a task for final exam.
Lexical theme Activity 5. «Researcher» [I], [P] Teacher gives sheets with new information about the UK. After students answer the questions according to the information. And then students are tested on the site «» to test knowledge of countrystudying.
Reading (Pre-Reading) Activity 6. «Think. Pair. Share» [P], [PA] Teacher gives cards with the questions using technique (Bloom’s Cube). Learners work in pairs. They should answer the questions connected with the theme for developing critical thinking. Students assess each other using Cube with words «Perfect», «Excellent», «Good», and «Creative», «Remarkable», «Awesome».
(While-Reading) Activity 7. «Experts» [P], [PA], [TBL] After reading the text, the teacher offers students task cards. The purpose of the task - to make proposals in order. Students work in pairs. After completing the task, students change their cards and check each other and evaluate each other with comments: «Excellent», «Good», «Not bad».
(Post Reading) Activity 8. «Masters» [I], [W] The teacher offers students task cards. The purpose of the task - to range the facts given in the text according to the extent of their importance. After that students are tested online by reading the text.
Activity 9. «Final» [I] Students are encouraged to take an English language test. Students test their knowledge and their readiness for final certification. |
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Пройти тест (кнопка под конспектом)
Appendix 4 Appendix 5
Пройти тест (кнопка под конспектом)
Appendix 6
Appendix 7
Appendix 8
Пройти тест (кнопка под конспектом) |
End 3 min |
Plenary [3-2-1] Teacher gives a triangle to each student. Students fill this triangle for three points: -Something you’ve done well today -Something to think about for the next time -Key words from the lesson |
End 1min |
Feedback: Teacher asks learners what task was difficult to them and which pair worked well. |
Appendix 1
Key words: folk-hero, Sherwood Forest, legend, Nottinghamshire, poor people, rich, brave
- Folk – фольклор
- Evidence – случай, очевидность
- Corner – угол
- Servant – слуга
- Ballad – баллада
- Source – источник
- Historians – историки
- Seem – кажется, выглядеть
- Establish – основать
- Castle – замок
Appendix 2
Listen to the text about «Robin Hood». Then write true or false. Correct the false sentences.
- There are many versions of this well- known tale which is about 700 years old. _______
- Everybody knows Robin’s friends – Little John, Brother Tuck, Will Scarlet - and the famous Sherwood Forest – Robin Hood’s home and the place where many of his adventures took place. ______
- Robin Hood has become an «national» ____
- In the 1800s and 1900s a historian found two Robin Hoods who lived in the fifteenth century. ______
- It seems that by 1437, the story of Robin Hood was already well known by many people. ______
- One of them was even King Edward II’s servant.________
- In the centre of Nottingham there is Nottingham Palace._______
- Robin Hood and Lady Marion were married in Windsor Castle. _______
- Sherwood Forest has an excellent visitors’ centre with an attractive display, a shop and some very pleasant walks in the nearby forest. _______
- The legend of Robin Hood has turned Nottinghamshire into a large tourist attraction. _______
Appendix 3
Fill in the following words into the gaps.
Ancient, ballads, band, been, English, evidence, figure, his, king, lips, name, no, outlaws, sung, than, this, the, was, wrapped.
Of all the popular heroes of the ___ people, none has ever achieved an equal ___ and fame with Robin Hood. For more ___ six hundred years, songs and ballads of ___ famous outlaw have been familiar on the ___ of the peasantry. Kings and princes have forgotten, but not Robin Hood and his ___ of bold followers in merry Sherwood Forest. ___ adventures were told in rhymes, which were ___ at village merry-makings. We have no clear ___ of Robin Hood's life history: all is ___ in the dim mist of legend and ___ history. There are students of the old ___ and stories who say that Robin Hood ___ an actual leader in Sherwood Forest, a ___ of the greenwood, a true and living , and there are others who say that ___ doings of a famous band of have gathered about his name, and that ___ real Robin Hood existed.
Appendix 4
Theme: «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland»
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an island nation in Western Europe, which includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Capital: London.
Official language: English.
Currency: pound sterling.
The total area of the country is 244 thousand sq. km.
The population of the United Kingdom is about 60 million people. Most of the inhabitants of the country (77%) are British. It is also inhabited by Welsh, Scots, and Irish people. Many immigrants from Central and Southeast Asia (Chinese, Pakistanis and Indians), Africans and Arabs. Most of the population of Great Britain belongs to the Anglican Church, one of the largest branches of Protestant Christianity, and the Catholic and Presbyterian churches are also common. Muslim diaspora is one of the largest in Western Europe.
The climate in the UK is mild enough with a predominance of cloudy weather. Among the attractions of London, Westminster Abbey (XIII–XVIII centuries), St. Paul's Cathedral (XVII–XVIII centuries) – the main Protestant cathedral of the capital, Tower Castle (XI–XIV centuries) – medieval fortress, which served as a place of imprisonment for political criminals, Buckingham Palace, the world famous Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, the 16-ton Big Ben bell.
There are about 80 theaters and more than 30 museums in London, including the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Natural History Museum, the history of London, the history of imperial wars, children's toys, Madame Tussauds waxworks, the Tate Gallery, the National Gallery, the Sherlock Holmes Museum and others. The undoubted attraction of the city is the oldest metropolitan in Europe, which began operating in 1863.
The state system: Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy.
The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II (from February 6, 1952). She is the 40th British monarch since the conquest of England by the Normans (1066). Belongs to the Windsor dynasty.
Parliament is a legislative body. It consists of the House of Lords (792 members) and the House of Commons (an elected body of 650 deputies who are elected for a term of five years). The government is usually formed by the leader of the party that won the majority of the seats and/or enjoys the support of the majority of deputies in the House of Commons; consists of cabinet members, ministers, ministers who are not part of the cabinet and junior ministers (there are about 100 people in total).
Judicial branch: Supreme Court (formerly the Judicial Panel of the House of Lords); the supreme courts of England, Wales and Northern Ireland; Scottish Court of Session.
Appendix 5
Answer the questions
- What is the official name of the country whose language you study?
- How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?
- What is the capital of the United Kingdom?
- The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is…
- Who is the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?
- Who lived in 221b Baker Street?
- What is the main square in London?
- Where does British Parliament seat in London?
- Where is the monument to Admiral Nelson?
- What is the Queen’s surname?
Appendix 6
- What is a tartan?
- How is called the legendary monster that lives in one of Scotland's lakes?
- What is the capital of Scotland?
- What famous people lived in Edinburgh?
- What is the most famous Edinburgh’s palace?
Appendix 7
Put in the correct order
- city is but everywhere it a busy is modern history
- the Mile in is Edinburgh called Royal road famous
- summer second queen British Holyroodhouse Edinburgh a visits usually home is the for or king who in
- behind nine Holyroodhouse of hills Edinburgh’s is one the
- is a this volcano long-dead one
- modern quite the rail bridge road but is the bridge old is
Appendix 8
Range the facts given in the text according to the extent of their importance
- Edinburgh’s nine hills
- Holyroodhouse is the royal’s home
- Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland
- Location of Holyroodhouse Palace
- Famous road