Animals are in danger

Алиманова Асылтас Танаткановна
Костанайская обл., с. Московское, Озерная СШ
Английский язык
Animals are in danger


Aims of the lesson:



Students to know the names of the animals which are in danger can explain Why they are in danger and what we should do to protect them. They will make “The Code of Rules” and explain their choice, working in groups, pairs.





1 Summarize getting knowledge, through making dialogues and posters

2. To make collaborative atmosphere through working in groups

3. To make a “success” situation at the lesson


Waiting results:


  1. Students will know about the animals which are in danger, can tell about them through making charts according the meaning of the text. They will make “The Code of Rules” using modal verbs should and shouldn’t. Can ask and answer the questions.




Lesson’s plan

Step 1

1. Beginning of the lesson.









































3.Aims of the lesson



















5.  Checking H/T

6.Work with the pictures of animal’s body


  1. Good afternoon, dear students! How are  you? What ‘s  the weather  like  today? Let’s make a cycle. 

The name of the game

Is always the same

People to people

Choir: People to people

Shoulder to shoulder

Choir: Shoulder to shoulder

Hip to hip

Choir: Hip to hip

Back to back

Choir: Back to back

Wrist to wrist

Choir: Wrist to wrist

People to people

Choir: People to people

Knee to ankle

Choir: Knee to ankle

Shoulder to elbow

Choir: Shoulder to elbow

Knee to thigh

Choir: Knee to thigh

Wrist to shoulder

Choir: Wrist to shoulder

People to people

Choir: People to people

Elbow to thumb

Choir: Elbow to thumb

Ear to shoulder

Choir: Ear to shoulder

Finger to finger

Choir: Finger to finger

Nose to nose

Choir: Nose to nose

Finish our game

Choir: Finish our game

We end up to say

Choir: We end up to say

People to people

Choir: People to people

People to people

Choir: People to people


3. T- Students, I offer to your attention the film. Let’s watch it and you should tell me the theme of our lesson.

Watching video” Why extinct dinosaurs?”. Dear students About what we will speak today?

P - Animals in danger. Why do you think so? Why they are in danger?
T - You are right; we are going to discuss endangered animals and try to help solve the problem. To the end of the lesson you will know about the animals which are in danger, will be able to find the ways how you will protect them.


4.“Brainstorming” Let’s remember the film and tell me the names of other endangered animals that you may see in the film. 

1.What  did  you know  about  dinosaurs?

2. What are  the reasons of dinosaurs’ extinctions?

3.Which of animals are the  most endangered live in Kazakhstan?
4.Did you see the animals at the Zoo?

5. What kinds of animals do you know?

6. Have you got any pets? 


5. Pupils presentation the video  “My  pet”.


6.Let’s  continue  our lesson.

T - Let’s see how well you know them. Look at the parts of the animal’s bodies and guess the animal.

(a picture of a tiger’s nose that later widens into the tiger’s head)

Whose nose is this?

- It’s a tiger’s nose.

(a picture of an elephant’s ear that later widens into the elephant)

T - Whose ear is this?
P - It’s an elephant’s ear.

(a picture of a panda’s head that later widens into the panda)

T - Whose head is this?
P - It’s a panda’s head.

( a picture of whale’s flipper that latter widens into the whale’s body)

T- Whose flipper is this?

P- It’s a whale’s flipper.


Step 2

7. Work in  pairs





























8.  Work with internet.


9.Work in groups with the text in the book











10.Work in  groups

7.Dear students, as you know there are many kinds of animals on our planet are in danger nowadays. Let’s study some information about this.

 Work with the short texts. Now you are going to read eight very short texts and say how many animals are left in the world. The number you may write and then show to us. Work in pairs.


(Students see the picture of the animal on the screen and find the appropriate information in the text). 

(a tiger, an elephant, a rhinoceros, a panda, a whale, a mountain gorilla, a polar bear, a koala)

Make the list of the most endangered and the least endangered animals/

Let's relax. “Head  shoulders  knees  and  toes”


8. Work on  the active board: 1.

  1.  Read  and  choose. Next  listen  and check. 2
  2. Listen  and  choose.3


9.Work in groups. Ex:4.p.50 Students should read the text and then complete the chart using the information from the text.

  1 group – Elephants and tigers

2 group – Blue whales and rhinos

3 group – Elephants and tigers




How many are… left?

Why do people threaten them?


Students present their charts. Other groups may ask some questions.

T —> Ps What did you learn about these animals?


10.T - Of course, our government tries hard to protect animals.

We also have a special holiday International Animal Protection Day when the whole world tries to solve this problem.

 But what can we personally do or probably together with the families to help solve this problem?

Making the poster (The Code of Rules).

- Let’s divide into groups. This part of the class (group 1) will find what we Should Do and that part (group 2) what we Shouldn’t Do.

(students give 6 parts of the sentence, analyze them and choose those which match for their task)

(be friendly with animals, feel responsible for pets, feed birds and help them, harm or hurt animals, kill animals for fun, frighten animals)

- Well done!


Step 3

11. «Reflection»



T- Dear students, at the beginning of our lesson we tell what we should study at the lesson? Can you remember? (to discuss endangered animals and try to help solve the problem. To the end of the lesson you will know about the animals which are in danger, will be able to find the ways how you will protect them).

What did we learn at the lesson?
Are you ready to help animals?
What should we do? What shouldn’t we do?


You have cards. Now you should evaluate yourself, then the work of your partner, and after all I’ll give you my mark.

My mark


My partner’s mark


Teacher’s mark





Look at the blackboard, you can see the … You have stickers please, write the answer of the following question: How did you feel at the lesson? (emotional reflection)


10.H/T : Make the diagrams about the animals. P. 51-52.

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