My clothes and things

Ешмаханова Айгерим Алдамжаровна
Ешмаханова Айгерим Алдамжаровна
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Traditions and customs

My clothes and things

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Оқу мақсаттары (оқу бағдарламасына сілтемеу): 2.L2 recognise with considerable support an increasing range of common personal questions 2.UE3 use common adjectives in descriptions and to talk about simple feelings  
Сабақтың мақсаты: <p>• Identify items of clothing and things&nbsp;</p><p>• Recognise and name some clothes</p><p> • Describe their clothes and things using adjectives</p>
Тілдік мақсаттар: By the end of the lesson All learners will be able to: • Identify items of clothing and things • Recognise and name some clothes • Describe their clothes and things using adjectives Most learners will be able to: • describe what clothes they are wearing using some adjectives • talk about simple feelings Some learners will be able to: • formulate of common personal questions about people, objects and clothes&nbsp; &nbsp;
Күтілетін нәтиже: 2.L2 Identify personal questions with considereble support 2.UE3 Talk about felling using simple words. Give description using common adjectives&nbsp;&nbsp;
Бағалау критерийлері: <p> Recognise the main words from audio </p><p>  Spell the high-frequency words with mistakes </p><p>  Describe somebody’s clothes </p><p>  Describe classroom&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Құндылықтарды дарыту: Lifelong learning
АКТ-ны қолдану дағдылары: Using SMART board, pictures and videos,
Пәнаралық байланыс: Lesson is connected&nbsp; Art
Бастапқы білім: Students know the actions verbs as to read, dance, clap, open your eyes and close your eyes. Also they know the colours of things.&nbsp;&nbsp;

Сабақ барысы

Сабақ кезеңдері Жоспарланған іс-әрекет Ресурстар

Сабақтың басы


<p>Beginning of the lesson </p><p>  Greeting </p><p>  Brainstorming </p><p>Dear s, I'm glad to see you. I'm sure you are ready for active work. Learners watch, sing a song and dance together following on the actions on the video. Teacher gives prompt learners. Students will try to guess the topic of the lesson looking at visual aids: shirt, jeans, coat, skirt, dress, hat and teacher elicit their answer. Then declares the topic and assessment criteria.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=";v=-0o79IMmAYE" target="_blank">;v=-0o79IMmAYE</a><br></p>

Сабақтың ортасы


<p>Pre-learning: Individual </p><p> Teacher present different clothes on the board and asks students to listen and repeat all together then individually. </p><p> Dress - көйлек </p><p> Hat - қалпақ</p><p> Jeans - джинсы </p><p> Shoes - аяқ киім</p><p> Shirt - жейде </p><p> Skirt - белдемше</p><p> Coat – күртеше</p><p> Teacher gives students two minutes and ask them to look through the words read words aloud. Teacher checks students’ understanding of the new vocabulary meaning by showing them worksheets with pictures. Task 1. Teacher promt the meaning of the new words. Teacher provide a card with words and pictures of clothes. Students match words with the pictures.&nbsp;</p><p><img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e3d85c208eb3/images/5e3d89a67cdbf.png" style="width: 80px;"><img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e3d85c208eb3/images/5e3d89b72bfbe.png" style="width: 76px;"><img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e3d85c208eb3/images/5e3d89c33d71a.png" style="width: 93px;"><img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e3d85c208eb3/images/5e3d89cfc1fd5.png" style="width: 77px;"><img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e3d85c208eb3/images/5e3d89dcaa440.png" style="width: 94px;"><img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e3d85c208eb3/images/5e3d89ea92fb4.png" style="width: 80px;"><img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e3d85c208eb3/images/5e3d89f587a61.png" style="width: 76px;"></p><p>Collaborative learning technique Group work. </p><p> After the first task teacher wants learners to make one big circle. Teacher divides students into three groups with colourful asyks (Learners remember colours). They are «Buk group», «Shik group» and «Alshy group»</p><p>. Task 2. Group work. Ss should read short extraxts and find what people are wearing. Then Ss write the names of people in the box.</p><p> Differentiation: Provide a card with words and pictures of clothes for less able students.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; What are they wearing?</p><p>What are they wearing? 1.Emily is wearing yellow cap, a yellow scarf, an orange coat,black trousers, and brown shoes. She has got brown hair. 6. Sophie is wearing a dark brown T shirt ,yellow mini skirt and dark brown shoes.She has got blond hair. 2. Sara is wearing a white seevelees dress and red sandalas 7.Kim is wearing a green cap, a grey t shirt, green shorts and yellow shoes. She has got blond hair. 3.Anna is wearing a yellow and orange t shirt blue trousers and brown shoes.She has got brown hair. 8.Mary is wearing a green skirt,a brown belt and brown shorts. She is not wearing any shoes. She has got brown hair. 4.Emma is wearing awhite and red blouse,a blue skirt,red earings andred shoes.She has got brown hair. 9.Greese is wearing a pink blouse,a violet skirt and violet shoes.She gas got blond hair. 5.Ella is wearing ared jacket, a brown T shirt, green shorts, green socks and yellow shoes.She has got red hair. 10.Beth is wearing a brown jumper,a pink skirt and brown shoes.She has got blonde hair.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p><img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e3d85c208eb3/images/5e3d8a6929985.png" style="width: 409px;"></p><p>FA: Whole group assessment: Leaders of groups check other group’s answers. Students check their mistakes. If they had mistakes, they correct them. Then teacher observes to make sure that students are doing correction properly. Post-learning Ask students to ask each other questions about their clothes. Next stage the teacher provides a card with words and pictures of clothes. Studets match words with the pictures individually. (FA-individual task)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>Descriptor: A learners should describe and summarise with some accuracy and understanding. Feedback: Self assessment: Teacher checks students’ understanding of the new vocabulary meaning by giving them tasks with clothes. Students check their mistakes. If they had mistakes, they highlight words and correct mistakes. Then teacher observes to make sure that students are doing correction properly. So teacher elicit howstudents check their work&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br></p>

Сабақтың соңы


<p>Feedback. “Traffic light”. The teacher gives instructions to raise the green card if the lesson was easy, raise the yellow card if they liked the lesson but have some difficulties, to raise the red card if the lesson was difficult. </p><p>&nbsp;<img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e3d85c208eb3/images/5e3d8af8adbff.png" style="width: 17px;"> The lesson was difficult.</p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e3d85c208eb3/images/5e3d8b0c7faeb.png" style="width: 17px;">&nbsp; &nbsp;I liked the lesson but I have some difficulties.</p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e3d85c208eb3/images/5e3d8b20883de.png" style="width: 17px;">&nbsp; The lesson was easy. </p><p> Students follow the teacher’s instructions. Then the teacher asks students who raised: the green cards: -What was clear? the yellow cards: - What was unclear? the red cards: - What was difficult? Our lesson is over. You were very active today and we have done a lot of work. Thank you for the lesson. Now I would like to give you your marks. See you next lesson. Good bye.</p><p> Home task: To revise lesson vocabulary and there is\there are structure&nbsp; &nbsp;</p>



<p>Leaners share their ideas, repeat after the teacher monitors their answers, makes some notes if necessary, Teacher drills the pronunciation of certain words</p><p>Were the lesson objectives and learning objectives realistic? What did the students learn today? What was the learning atmosphere like? Did my planned descriptor/feedback/differentiation work well?&nbsp; &nbsp;</p>


Файлды ару Сабақ жоспары
