Prepositions: movement

Жұмабаева Айман Исатайқызы
Жұмабаева Айман Исатайқызы
№6 Шұбарқұдық негізгі орта мектебі
Ағылшын тілі
Space and Earth

Prepositions: movement

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Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to <p>7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics&nbsp; </p><p>7.C3 respect differing points of view &nbsp; 7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others &nbsp; </p><p>7.L1 understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions &nbsp; </p><p>7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics &nbsp; </p><p>7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a growing range of general and curricular topics &nbsp;</p>
Lesson objectives <p>All learners will be able to:&nbsp; </p><p>Pupils can read&nbsp; and use an&nbsp; adjectives &nbsp; </p><p>Most learners will be able to:&nbsp;</p><p> -&nbsp; understands a text about the history of a famous place&nbsp; </p><p>Some learners will be able to: &nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p>ask and answer interview questions;&nbsp;</p><p> -can make sentences understand and can talk about&nbsp; amazing experinces&nbsp; </p><p>use an adjectives before a noun and depends on their meanings &nbsp;</p>
Language objective Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.&nbsp;
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular links Social, personal Education, ICT
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural awareness Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers&nbsp; in Kazakhstan and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety <p>Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard&nbsp; </p><p>Everyday classroom precautions &nbsp;</p>

Сабақ барысы

Сабақ кезеңдері Жоспарланған іс-әрекет Ресурстар

Beginning of the lesson

<p>Warm-up &nbsp; </p><p>With books closed, write the words dare and daredevil on the board.&nbsp; Elicit the meaning of dare (be brave enough to do something dangerous).&nbsp;</p><p> Ask students to name some activities that are dangerous, then ask students if they would dare to do these things. Elicit or explain the meaning of daredevil.&nbsp;</p><p> Ex1. Match pictures 1-9 with the prepositions in the box &nbsp;</p><p>Across , around, down, into, off, over, through, under, up &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p> Ex2. Read the Daredevils quiz and choose the correct prepositions. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p> Ex3.. Do the quiz. Then listen and check your answers. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Worksheet&nbsp;

Main activities

<p>Ex4. Work in pairs. Describe the pictures in exercise 1 using the vrbs in the box and a preposition.</p><p>1. Climb up &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 6. Run around&nbsp; </p><p>2. climb down &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 7. Jump over&nbsp; </p><p>3. jump into &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 8. Walk under&nbsp; </p><p>4. swim across &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 9. Fall off&nbsp; </p><p>5. cycle throw &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Ex5. Complete the sentences with the prepositions in exercise1&nbsp; </p><p>1. fell off &nbsp; &nbsp; 2. Skiing down &nbsp; &nbsp; 3. Climb up &nbsp; &nbsp; 4. Ran into &nbsp;&nbsp; 5. Sailing around &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; 6. Cycled through &nbsp;</p><p><b></b><b></b><br></p> <br>


<p>Reflection &nbsp; </p><p>Learners write : &nbsp; </p><p>What did you learn today?&nbsp; </p><p>What parts of the lesson were easy? &nbsp; </p><p>What parts of the lesson were difficult? &nbsp;</p> <br>
