Effective Reading

Жұмабаева Айман Исатайқызы
Жұмабаева Айман Исатайқызы
№6 Шұбарқұдық негізгі орта мектебі
Ағылшын тілі
Reading for Pleasure

Effective Reading

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Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to 5.R4 read with some support a limited range of short fiction and non-fiction texts 5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives <p>All learners will be able to: </p><p> understand the main events in the story answer simple questions about the story </p><p> Most learners will be able to: </p><p> read the story without support understand the moral of the story make some questions on the given story </p><p> Some learners will be able to:</p><p> understand most of the language in the story answer the questions and give examples from the text</p>
Value links Respect for self and others, academic honesty, Cooperation&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;
Cross curricular links Literature

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Сабақ кезеңдері Жоспарланған іс-әрекет Ресурстар


Lead-in: Organization moment Teacher shows some books with fairy tales. Students discuss in pairs and guess the theme of the lesson. Setting the aims of the lesson&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;


1. Pre-reading Students look at the pictures on a computer and try to guess what the story is about. Then students discuss the question in pairs: Why do we need friends? Students share their ideas. 2. Pre-teaching vocabulary Learners see a vocabulary of unknown words on a board. Teacher gives out handouts with matching activity. Students match words with pictures. Teacher provides discussion of meanings of new words eliciting examples from students. Learners try to use the words and make their own sentences Teacher provides pronunciation drill with the whole class. 3. Reading for gist Learners read the story for the first time and find the answer to the question: How many main characters are there in the story? Differentiation: More motivated learners sit individually and read the story with no Teacher support. Less motivated learners make a circle and read the text with teacher together. 4. Reading for specific information Students get the Handouts and answer Yes/No questions. 5. After reading: Students divide into 3 groups. Each group chooses a character and writes his/her name in the middle of a piece of paper. In the rest of the space write briefly about the following: The character looks… The character acts… The character says… The character feels… 6. Presentation Learners choose a speaker who gives a presentation of their work from each group. They put their posters on the board.


Learners complete an evaluation of what they did during the lesson by circling one word in each statement: I can understand: all / most of / some of the story. I can talk about one character: a lot / a little.
