Weather in our country

Магомадова Индира Резвадиновна
Магомадова Индира Резвадиновна
СШ им. Ж.Кереева
Ағылшын тілі

Weather in our country

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Weather in a Country <p>2.S1</p><p>2.UE13</p><p><br></p>

Сабақ барысы

Сабақ кезеңдері Жоспарланған іс-әрекет Ресурстар

Beginning Middle End

<p>I.Organization moment.</p><p>II.Warm-up.</p><p>III.Introducing the theme and the aims of the lesson.</p><p>IV. Weather window.&nbsp;</p><p>V. Clothes rope.</p><p>VI. I can ______ in _______.&nbsp;</p><p>VII. I wear ______ in _______.</p><p>VIII. Project work.</p><p>IX. Feedback.</p><p>X. Reflection.</p><p><b>I.Organization moment. </b></p><p> - Good afternoon, dear boys and girls! -Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today? (Division into two groups) </p><p><b> II.Warm-up. </b></p><p> Four coloured pictures are given (winter, spring, summer, autumn).</p><p> -Children, what are they? – They are seasons. -How many seasons are there in one year? – There are for seasons. 12 pictures of yellow chicks are given. </p><p>On the back of them are the names of months. Pictures are mixed. 4 Pupils go to the board, find 3 months of each season and put them under the appropriate season picture.Then read aloud.</p><p> -What are they?- They are chickens! They have a secret word. Go to the board, read the secret words. What are they they? They are months!</p><p> Find your months and put under the season!</p><p> -Name autumn months, please!&nbsp; (Students get “smiles” for the right answer and being active).</p><p><b> III.Introducing the theme and the aims of the lesson. </b></p><p> - What we are going to talk about? </p><p>– Today we are going to talk about seasons, weather and clothes. </p><p><b> IV. Weather window. </b></p><p> There is a big window on the board. Teacher inserts pictures of different weather conditions in a window. Asks: </p><p>-What is the weather like?- It’s sunny, snowy, rainy, etc. </p><p><b> V. Clothes rope. </b></p><p> There is a clothes rope under the board. On the bottom of the board there are different names of clothes. Pupils from each group come to the board, read the words, choose the appropriate picture from the box with clothes and hang it on the rope. If the pupil finds right picture, gets “smiles”. </p><p> -Now, pupils, we begin another activity “Clothes rope”. It’s a clothes rope. Come to the board one by one, read the words and find your picture. Let’s start! </p><p> Clothes: dress, coat, skirt, socks, boots, hat, jeans, trousers, gloves, umbrella, T-shirt, shorts (12 words). </p><p><b> VI. I can ______ in _______. </b></p><p> There are 4 boxes with the names of seasons. 2 pupils go to the boxes, choose pictures with the words and make a sentence using the modal verb CAN. </p><p> Sentences: I can make a snowman/ fly a kite/ run/ dance/ jump/ski/ swim/ eat ice-cream/ collect leaves/ play (10 words). </p><p> -You see 4 boxes: winter, spring, summer, autumn. Take a card, read and make a sentence using the modal verb CAN. Put it into the appropriate box.</p><p> For the right answers pupils get “smiles”.</p><p><b> VII. I wear ______ in _______. </b></p><p> Teacher explains the meaning of the word WEAR. </p><p> -Take one piece of clothes from the rope and make a sentence usıng the verb WEAR. I wear _______ in ________. </p><p><b> VIII. Project work.</b> </p><p> -Your hometask was to draw a picture of your favorite weather. Describe your picture according to the criteria: </p><p>1.Introducing </p><p>2. What is the weather like? </p><p>3. What do you do? </p><p> 4. What do you wear? </p><p> 5. Conclusion. </p><p> Pupils present their pictures to the class, teacher and the student assess them according to the criteria.</p><p><b> IX. Feedback.</b></p><p> I can/ know ..... (I can describe weather, know the seasons and months, names of clothes, etc. ) </p><p><b> X. Reflection. </b></p><p> A picture of a beautiful basket is given on the board. Pupils glue flowers on it if they like the lesson and leaves if they dont like the lesson.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><br></p>


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