
Альмуханова Айкумис Сакенкызы
Альмуханова Айкумис Сакенкызы
Майтөбе ОМ
Ағылшын тілі
The world around us


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Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to <p>1.L3 recognise with support simple greetings recognise the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words </p><p>1.S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly </p><p>1.UE3use basic adjectives&nbsp; and colours to say what someone/something is or has <br></p>
Lesson objectives <p>All learners will be able to: </p><p>-&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Learn the names of basic colors; </p><p>-&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Use colors to describe things;&nbsp; <br></p>
Assessment criteria Learners have met the learning objective (1.UE3) if they can: Recognize and use colors to describe the things. <br>
Value links Respect
Cross curricular links Math <br>
ICT skills Using videos/PPT
Previous learning Pets and wild animals

Сабақ барысы

Сабақ кезеңдері Жоспарланған іс-әрекет Ресурстар


(5 min)

<p>Organizational moment </p><p>-&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.</p><p> -&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;As a warming up learners sing "Hello" song. <br></p> <br>


(10 min)

<p>-&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Introduce colors.</p><p> -&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Go through the PPT and chorus the words.&nbsp; </p><p>-&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Give learners colors vocab. worksheet to glue into their ABC books. <br></p> PPT/ colourful papers


(10 min)

<p>Play "Color Stand Up and Jump"</p><p> Pass out colored papers, 1 color per student. </p><p>Tell your students to sit down. Say a color (e.g. "blue") and the students holding that color have to quickly stand up, jump and then sit down. Start off slowly and get faster and faster </p><p>Sing “Rainbow song” as a class. <br></p> &nbsp; <br>


(10 min)

<p>-&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Pass out colors worksheet.</p><p> -&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Ask learners to color the gaps with appropriate colors </p><p>-&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Check as a whole class. </p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><table class="table table-bordered"><tbody><tr><td><p>pink </p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p></td><td>brown<br></td><td>red<br></td><td>purple<br></td><td>white<br></td><td>grey<br></td></tr><tr><td>yellow<br></td><td>black<br></td><td>green<br></td><td>blue<br></td><td>orange<br></td><td><p>beige</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p></td></tr></tbody></table><p>&nbsp; <br></p>


(5 min)

<p>Feedback </p><p>Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language <br></p>

Қосымша ақпарат

<p><b>Additional information</b></p><p><b>Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support?</b></p><p> <b>How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?&nbsp;&nbsp;</b></p><p><b>Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b></p><p> Health and safety check ICT links&nbsp;</p><p> For less able students teacher may provide in L1 </p><p>for better understanding and memorizing. </p><p>To challenge more able students teacher may organize face-to-face dialog with various types of greetings and personal questions&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>By means of oral formative assessment – students work in pairs making dialogs – teacher monitors for assessment &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p> •&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Work with the SMART board not more than 10 minutes</p><p> •&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Monitor classroom space when students start moving around</p><p> •&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Make short breaks while writing&nbsp; </p><p>•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Use water based markers</p><p> <b>Reflection </b></p><p>Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?</p><p> Did all learners achieve the LO?&nbsp; </p><p>If not, why? </p><p>Did my planned differentiation work well?&nbsp; </p><p>Did I stick to timings?&nbsp;</p><p> What changes did I make from my plan and why?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p><b>Summary evaluation</b></p><p> What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)? </p><p>1:&nbsp;</p><p> 2:&nbsp;</p><p> What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)? </p><p>1:&nbsp;</p><p>2:&nbsp;</p><p> What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson? <br></p>
